I racconti del lago

Year: 2011


This record is essentially focused on the city of Mantua and its interaction with the waters that surround it. The "Tales of the Lake" refer to contemporaneity but also to the past, they are open windows on the history of the city.

The album was presented with a concert at the Bibiena Theater held on March 3, 2011 and was also distributed in combination with the "Gazzetta di Mantova", on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the newspaper's first release.


  1. Diario di un giorno di pioggia (Diary of a Rainy Day) (2'45'')
  2. Le segrete passioni (The Secret Passions) (3'10'')
  3. Morte nel parco (Death in The Park) (3'30'')
  4. Nato libero (Born Free) (4'44'')
  5. Niente lacrime ad Est (No Tears in The East) (3'11'')
  6. L'estate dell'addio (The Summer of Farewell) (3'16'')
  7. Oscar e la dama in rosa (Oscar and The Lady in Pink) (3'54'')
  8. Plam plam (1'47'')
  9. Il presagio (The Night Presage) (3'10'')
  10. In un pomeriggio senza meta (In An Aimless Afternoon) (3'39'')
  11. Non dimenticarmi (Don’t Forget Me) (2'29'')
  12. Gli amanti di Annecy (The Lovers of Annecy) (2'28'')
  13. Luci sull'oceano (Lights Over The Ocean) (5'00'')
  14. Introspezioni (Introspections) (3'25'')
  15. Budapest (3'08'')
  16. Aurora dulcis (2'52'')
  17. Forse domani (Maybe Tomorrow) (3'02'')
  18. Gennaio (January) (3'35'')
  19. La neve e l'amore lontano (The Snow and The Faraway Love) (3'40'')
  20. Ali della notte (Wings of The Night) (6'55'')

Produced by Stefano Gueresi, recorded and mixed by Carlo Cantini.

Music by Stefano Gueresi.



racconti del lago cover

racconti del lago 2

racconti del lago brani

This record is essentially focused on the city of Mantua and its interaction with the waters that surround it. The "Tales of the Lake" refer to contemporaneity but also to the past, they are open windows on the history of the city.

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