Produced by the Stefano Gueresi Association in collaboration with Carlo Cantini's Digitube Studio.
"Wings of the night" (concert "The tales of the lake" held in Mantua at the Bibiena Theater on March 3, 2011)
A film by Fancesco Pireddu; Stefano Gueresi music and word, piano, keyboards and all instruments
Interview with Stefano Gueresi and Carlo Cantini
Stefano Gueresi with Carlo Cantini (violin) and Zoltan Szabo (cello) at the Amici dell'Arte Association of Piacenza
Stefano Gueresi speaks about the making of the album and the concert "I racconti del lago".
Interview with Stefano Gueresi by Fabrice Béal - Translation: Amanda Castello - Montage: Lucia Tagliaferri
MantovaMusica starts with the concert at the Bibiena Theater of the Trio Gueresi Video made by the WebTV "Mantova.TV".
Spot created by the Italian Association of Fragile X Syndrome Onlus for the three RAI networks on the occasion of the Day of Rare Diseases.