The leitmotif of “La notte nel grande vento” ("The Night of the Great Wind") is the journey’s theme, and each song refers us to a place, a country, a different emotion. Impressions and colors, faces and landscapes engraved in memory. Music as a diary of life, as a groove traced by experience.
1. Ritorno a Canterbury (Return to Canterbury, part 1; 55"). Canterbury (Inghilterra), November 2003.
2. I racconti del lago (The Tales of The Lake) (4'36''). Mantova, July 2006.
3. Non dimenticarmi (Don’t Forget Me) (2'46"). Cassis (France), August 2007.
4. Bambini nel buio (Children in The Dark) (4'02"). Oradea (Romania), May 2007.
5. Il messaggero (The Messenger) (4'14"). Mantova, September 2007.
6. Come un addio d'inverno (Like a Winter Farewell) (3'22"). Mantova, January 2008.
7. Gli amanti e l'imbrunire (The lovers and the Nightfall) (4'57"). Mantova, June 2007.
8. Il walzer di Pushkin (Pushkin’s Waltz) (2'59"). St. Petersburgh (Russia), June, 2004.
9. Il giardino di madame Guesdom (Madame Guesdom’s Garden) (3'01"). Ceaux (France), August, 1998.
10. L'atelier di Cezanne (Cezanne’s Studio) (1'35"). Aix En Provence (France), July 2005.
11. Tornando a casa sotto la luna (Going Back Home Under The Moonlight) (3'00"). Mantova, November, 2007.
12. Le stelle di Cluj (Cluj’s Stars) (7'43"). Cluj (Romania), October, 2006.
13. La ballerina di Hondarribia (The Hondarribia Dancer) (3'35"). Hondarribia (Spain), August, 2006.
14. Ultimo giorno di scuola a Matignon (Last School Day in Matignon) (3'00"). Matignon (France), April, 2006.
15. Srebrenica (4'08"). Zagreb (Croatia), October 2003/February 2008: 1) Le anime di ghiaccio (Souls of Ice), 2) Frammenti di guerra (War Fragments), 3) Ti scrivo di un mare d'Ottobre (I’m Writing To You Of An October Sea).
16. Matilde e il tradimento del giovedì santo (Matilde and The Betrayal of Maundy Thursday) (5'09"). Mantova, January, 2008.
17. La notte del grande vento (The Night of The Great Wind) (1'47''). Retorbido (Pavia), December, 2005.
18. Ritorno a Canterbury (Return to Canterbury, part 2; 2'33"). Canterbury (England), November, 2003.
All tracks were composed by Stefano Gueresi and recorded at Studio SG in Mantova.
On the cover: “Gli amanti all’imbrunire” ("The lovers at nightfall") by Giordano Nonfarmale "Male".
Literary presentation: Nicola Lorenzi.